From The Blog
2018 Recap ~Tim Fitzbag
Well, 2018 was an eventful year in my running journey. Started off in February with a slip on ice that landed me in the ER with my first winter running injury. Yet, still managed to top my annual race count with 10: ran a 5k for the first time in five years, ran...
My First Half Marathon ~Tim Fitzbag
Leading up to my first ever half marathon in October of 2016 - the New England Half Marathon, I spent the summer following a training plan of just a little over 4 miles on Tuesdays and Thursdays and a long run on Saturdays which would alternate between 8 to 13.5...
Why On Earth Would Someone Run for the Heck of it? ~Justin McLamb
Where to start?? I’ve been actively running for 5 years and began as a way to recover from completely tearing my Left ACL in July 2012. Towards the end of the recovery process, my doctor told me that I could go out and run if I so chose to. Why on earth would someone...
NE Racing Team Highlights
Our ambassadors are always on the move. They inspire us to keep pushing our minds and bodies to do what we are designed to do - get moving! Here's what they've been up to lately... Keith 'Wildman' Hanson This past Saturday, the Wildman embarked on his 5th...
Around Mile 3, a Large Animal Coming at Me! ~Tim Fitzbag
Hope you enjoyed my first blog entry a few weeks ago. I left you with the story about finishing my first official timed races and how I felt it was time to really think about a half marathon. For me, who not long before had never thought of running 6.2 miles, to now...
I Started Running When I was 39 ~Tim Fitzbag
First let me start by saying how happy I am to share my journey of running with you. In order for that we need to skip back to the beginning of 2014. At the age of 39 I decided to live a healthier lifestyle. I never felt I was overweight or unhealthy, but looking...
NipEaze Partners With Orange Mud
At the heart of American innovation is a steadfast commitment to solve problems with effective, quality solutions. At NipEaze, this mindset is our foundation. Our users include cyclists, triathletes, 5K to 100-mile runners, adventure racers, and every active-lifer in...
NipEaze Value Packs stir up Controversy
This year, 34-Count Packs of NipEaze have stirred up critics who accuse the company of waging a war on Third-Nipple Patrons. NipEaze said it has sold the "34-Packs” in the past, which have included (1) 15 Pairs Packet of Regular Size NipEaze plus a Bonus (2 pairs)...
The Days Before 100 Miles ~Keith Hanson
Burning River Lead-up Part 3 This is the 3rd and final installment of my lead up to the Burning River 100 in Cleveland, Ohio. I choose not to highlight specific training routines or regimens because nobody wants to hear: “8-10 miles Monday, 12 miles Tuesday, etc.” ...
What Makes a Champion? ~Keith Hanson
As the lead-up to the Burning River 100 continues, I’m so happy to be partnering with Shoes and Clothes for Kids (SC4K) to raise awareness for child poverty in Cleveland, OH and to collect new socks and underwear for kids! It’s very exciting! Please check them out...