Works perfect! I run Ultra-Marathons and do weekly training runs from 20-40 miles at a time. In cooler weather when I have to wear a top, I can get about 15 miles before the nipple chafing starts. In the winter when my bottom layer is soaked in sweat, it may be after 10 miles. So, seeing this product made me a bit skeptical. Well, NipEAZE work great! Cheap enough to use on training runs and resilient enough for 100-mile races. They are very comfortable and not even noticeable. One time I remember not even noticing they were still on until the next day in the shower (2x showers later). They are very water resistant. In fact, I have never had one fall off. I highly recommend them!

Choosing the rights size of NipEAZE for your body type

For Concealment:

Choose the NEW Sport+Fashion Full Size (1.25") if your primary use will be for fashion or to help conceal the nips under clothing.

For Endurance Athletics and Nipple Chafing Prevention:

Place a clean penny on one of your bare nipples. Does it cover most of the areola? If so, choose Size Regular (fits most).

The NipEAZE should not be larger than the outside diameter of the areola unless your primary objective is to help conceal your nipples.

Regular – 3/4” – Fits most (about the size of a US Penny)
Extra – 1” – For larger nipples (slightly larger than a US Quarter)

Endurance Athletes and Runners: Why Measure?

For the adhesive to be most effective against moisture & friction, NipEAZE should fit so that it comes in contact with the areola only; not the skin around it. If your measurement is between two sizes, choose the smaller size.