At the heart of American innovation is a steadfast commitment to solve problems with effective, quality solutions. At NipEaze, this mindset is our foundation. Our users include cyclists, triathletes, 5K to 100-mile runners, adventure racers, and every active-lifer in between. For them, nip...

NipEaze Value Packs stir up Controversy
This year, 34-Count Packs of NipEaze have stirred up critics who accuse the company of waging a war on Third-Nipple Patrons. NipEaze said it has sold the "34-Packs” in the past, which have included (1) 15 Pairs Packet of Regular Size NipEaze plus a Bonus (2 pairs) Trial Pack, in favor of a...
NipEaze VS Regular Spot Bandages: Performance VS Utility
Sports-related Injuries are the Achilles Heel of training to improve your game. Let's talk about prevention. You may have already experienced one of the most painful sports injuries known to man – nipple abrasion. Ouch! This mystical injury comes out of nowhere when you least expect it. And is it...
Nipple Rash Guards for Just the Nips Make Surfing Fun Again!
Hitting the surf without nipple rash guards could mean excruciating doom for your nipples. Or NOT… It’s a perfect day, not a cloud in the sky. You’ve just had one of the toughest weeks, working your hardest to get ‘er done. This is the moment in time you have been waiting for all winter long. ...
Nipple Covers for Women Help Avoid Embarrassment and Irritation
Tired of feeling self-conscious when wearing a thin top? Or do you want to avoid the aggravation that comes with nipple chafing when exercising? Why can’t you wear that dress which feels so comfortable, and looks so cute on you? Don’t you want to wear it without the worry of “standing out?” ...
Nipple Covers for Men are more Common than you Think
You were so excited to wear that new running tank your wife bought you, but standing at the finish line you start to feel an all too familiar sensation. Your shirt has literally clasped itself to your raw and burning nipples. Standing very still you slowly peel the soaking wet culprit from your...
What is a Nipple Cover?
What is a nipple cover? If you are one of the growing numbers of people who have tried everything to protect and/or conceal your nipples, you already know the answer to this question. Instead, you hope to answer a completely different question; ‘Will NipEaze nipple covers work for me?' Let’s...
Where Can I Get Nipple Covers?
Now that you know what NipEaze can do for you, you are probably asking the question, ‘Where can I get these amazing nipple covers?’ For some of us, there are a few purchases in life which call for at least a little bit of privacy. If you’ve ever ran into your pastor at the supermarket just after...
How to prevent chafing when running
Congratulations... You have joined the growing number of running enthusiasts who've entered the exciting and challenging arena of marathon racing or endurance training! As a result, you have discovered a common side-effect of extended exercise - painful nipple chafing. Who’d of thought after...
Women’s Running Magazine
NipEAZE Nipple Chafing Prevention has been highlighted in the latest issue of Women's Running Magazine! http://WomensRunning.comCheck out the highlight in Women’s Running Magazine that has stirred some excitement in the world of Sports Injury Prevention! This is one of many ways that men and...